sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

ce ramane...2 - 24.06.2011

nu stiu cine a adus toate aceste scaune, mese, sevalete, nu stiu cine a stat pe aceste scaune sau cine a lucrat la aceste mese. ne intalnim, trecem unii pe langa altii, toate intamplarile neimportante ale vietii - cat de mult ne schimba?

don't know who brought these chairs, tables, easels, don't know who sat on these chairs or who worked at these tables. we meet each other, pass by one another, all the unimportant events of life - how much do they change us?

o persoana misterioasa a maturat frumos tot ceea ce lasasem intentionat pe jos. mesajul meu pentru ceilalti a fost sters, cu totul inlocuit de o alta parere. deodata un strain pretios! acum cativa ani n-as fi crezut sub nici o forma ca ceea ce a facut el e tot arta

a mysterious Someone swept away everything I left intentionally on the floor. My message to others was erased, totally replaced by a completely different opinion. Suddenly a precious stranger ! Several years ago I had not thought anyhow that what he did is art as well

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